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Nefertiti Neck Lift (Vertical Neck Lines)

Nefertiti Neck Lift (Vertical Neck Lines)

Nefertiti Neck Lift (Vertical Neck Lines)

As we age there’s a reduction in collagen production and we lose skin elasticity cause this natural yet troubling phenomenon to be more easily seen. The platysma muscle is the large muscle structure located to the front and sides of our neck.

When this muscle starts pulling down on the jawline, this can further lead to sagging around the chin area that ultimately contributes towards an aged look and feel with visible vertical lines on display along their jawline or neck region. 

By using botulinum toxin injections or more-commonly known as Nefertiti Neck Lift Treatment, can help improve jowls and create a more defined jawline and neckline.

Areas Covered

Award-winning, non-surgical anti ageing-clinic in London | Proud to provide non-invasive techniques for youthful appearance ✓
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